Copyright © 2013 by "SitesnSyllables" · All Rights reserved ·
Project: South Hills Electric
Tasks: 7 Pages Of Content,
3 Landing Pages
Status: Complete
Total Amount: $1950.00
Amount Paid: $1250.00
Balance Due: $750.00
Payment Agreement For
Sean Johnson Consultants LLC
Sean Johnson (Sean Johnson Consultants LLC) hereby agrees to pay the amount of $750.00, which is the outstanding balance on account with Joshua Rarrick and Sebastian Scalora (Sites-n-Syllables). Billing will be accomplished through PayPal, and will be billed in 3 installments of $250.00.
If the subscription is canceled at any time, or if payment is rejected, the outstanding balance will be due in full immediately. Failure to make payment for any reason will constitute a breach of contract and further action will be taken, and any expenses incurred during the collection process will also become your responsibility.
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Refusal of these terms will result in further action to collect, and any expenses incurred by this action will become the responsibility of Sean Johnson Consultants.